Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sleeping Deer

Here is the first deer of the season for my brothers, Craig & D.J.
They were both so excited and stopped by to show us. The funny thing is that Jack seemed to think that the deer was sleeping. To this day he will still say "Momma, deer sleeping in Craig's truck.". I just go along with him. Why shake his world up at such a young age.

Introducing....Clark Griswald

I know it has been along time since my last post, but Christmas is in full swing around our house and I just haven't had much time. These pictures are from before Thanksgiving when we started putting up Christmas lights. This tree is at least 40 ft tall.
Here's Clark putting up his jumbo bulbs on the tree. The pole he is using had to be modified with duct tape and 2 separate extensions to make it long enough.

If you look closely you can see just how tall the tree is and how long the pole actually is. We have had plenty of laughs to go around thinking about this day. I am thankful though that my husband took the time to make our home festive.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Sound of Music

As you can see we have a new musical instrument in the Harrah House, that's right bagpipes. James got them in August, I call them my anniversary gift. Jack fondly refers to them as "pipes" and he loves to hear James play. I don't let him play them in the house because they are so loud. I don't want Joel's ears to get hurt, or mine for that matter. So, here you see James practicing out side in the driveway.
This shot was taken by sneak attack, he didn't want me to take his picture, but I got it. I guess I am kinda like the bagpipe paparazzi .

I had to put this picture of Joel up. James was practicing with his chanter one afternoon and Joel made this face. I had to laugh. Luck for us the chanter is only half as loud as the set of bagpipes.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fun in the Sun While it Lasts

These pictures are from this past week when temperatures were near 75 degrees. Jack & Afton were playing out in the yard on Jack's firetruck. Needless to say, they aren't very good at driving. So if you need your toes run over or crop circles in your field let me know, I've got just the kid for you. And yes, Afton is holding on for dear life.

It's now Jack's turn to be the passenger. He is busy using the microphone. He should use it to tell people to get out of the way!

Jack stopped long enough for me to get this shot. Then quickly punched the gas and I had to jump out of the way. Look at the smile on his face, he's thinking "watch out mom, here I come!"

Well, I wouldn't let Joel ride on the firetruck so I took some plan pics of him while Jack was napping. I am trying to get his birth announcements done, I think this is the picture I am going to use.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween '08

Pirate Jack after a night of Trick-or-Treating.
Look closely, he is about ready to tear into a sucker. This kid loves Dum-Dums.

Princess Afton & Pirate Jack
Both are extremely thirsty after handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters.
Afton is also enjoying a package of M&M's.

My best attempt at getting a good picture of Jack in his costume.
The look on his face says it all, "Mom just take the picture"

Joel all ready to hit the streets.

Could it be: Larry, Curly, Mo???
No, just my 3 brothers: D.J., Drew, & Craig

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Don't Look Now, Momma's Got Her Camera Out!

It is official, there is not a soul safe around me. Spending everyday with a toddler and a 3 week old gets pretty boring. Now, I keep busy just taking as many pictures as I can in hopes of getting a good one to post for you all to see. As you can see, it doesn't matter if you are dressed or not, I will get a good shot. Lucky for Joel, he was dressed this time.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fun with Pumpkins

Since Halloween is almost here Jack, Joel & my niece Afton got to carve pumpkins. They are so proud of grandpa's carving ablility. Jack & Afton loved getting their hands dirty, Joel slept through the whole thing.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Our new family picture, just hours after Joel arrived. As you can see, Jack is thrilled to be a big brother (yeah right!).

Welcome All

Welcome to our blog. I have decided that this is a good way to share pictures with our family & friends. I know, I'm a little behind the times. Enjoy these first few pictures of our new addition, Joel Michael & our growing family.