Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Snow Fun

To much snow for the John Deere to get through.
The are looking at me for help.
Both boys down...Joel hated falling in the snow

Joel working his way throught the landscape...

Jack with the look in his eye like I've been caught.

My hubby, out on the tractor. Boys and their toys.

Playing in the Snow

Jack & only took 45 minutes to get them in their winter gear and head out the door.
Jack wanted to go outside that morning at 8:30....I held him off until 10:30

Once we got outside the wind was blowing so hard, but Joel was brave and left the garage. You can see here he can't even open his eyes because of the wind and snow.

Joel loved the snow but had a hard time walking around.

One quick picture of Jack...he is going through a phase right now and hates to have his picture taken.