Thursday, February 5, 2009

Santa Train

This is the Santa Train. This train travels across Southern Indiana and Illinois making several stops on its journey. We decided to load up the car and take Jack, Afton, Joel, Grandma & Grandpa to see Santa. There were also lots and lots of characters from kids movies present. It took some time for the kids to warm up to them. We had a great time and I'm sure we will do it again next year.
Jack's first time to visit Santa. I think he sat on his lap only to get the candy cane. He LOVES!!! candy canes.

Jack & Afton waiting in line to see Santa Claus. As you can see in the background Joel is sleeping through the whole adventure. Is that kid ever going to stay awake and have some fun.

James, Jack & Buzz Lightyear. One of Jack's favorite movies is Toy Story. After seeing Buzz every morning when Jack woke up for the next week he told me, and I quote: "I saw my Buzz Lightyear" It truly made his day.

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